
Hello fellas! As you know, there are many sources for learning and teaching English. For this opportunity, I will recommend some sources that I use when I study or teach English. 

Free rice is a learning tool, which allows players to donate rice to fight hunger while learning through educational multiple-choice games. For each correct answer, 10 grains of rice are donated to the World Food Program

Material collection of English as a Second Language (ESL) tools & resources for students and teachers.

This web site is for people studying for an English language exam.

Grammar Girl is more suitable for learners who have reached the intermediate level of English or above. Still, Grammar Girl is a great resource to challenge your skills.

American English is a resource center for teaching and learning about American English language and culture. This website provides a variety of engaging materials and resources for teachers' professional development and for students in the classroom. Both teachers and students will find new ways to practice English and learn more about the United States.
