


How are you? I hope you really fine. Now I will share about BLOG. Do you know what is blog? I think you already know what is blog but let me explain more about blog. Blog is a a website or online journal that contains written information that is published as a post on a web page. Content or posts on a blog are often updated regularly. In general, the function that is owned by Blogger is as a blog publishing platform. In this blogger, users can publish their written works. 

There are several platform to help you create a blog by yourself. WordPress, Medium, Penzu, Webs, Weebly, Wix, Blogger and others. As you know I use blogger to make my blog. Why I choose blogger? Blogger is simple to make a blog and easy to understand how to used it. Kindly check my other article in this blog 

Thank you. See you in next article. 
