Hi fellas!

How you feel today? I hope you have good mood to read my article. In this occasion, I'll share about COMIC. What do you know about comic? yes you right, comic is a series of illustrated stories that are equipped with dialogues to clarify the images presented. Comics can also help to learn an teach English and I don't think it's only English. I'm sure all lessons can use this tool. Teachers have discovered that writing comics creates an avenue for students to develop important skills in reading, writing, spelling and vocabulary building. Students also get a better grasp on harder-to-teach concepts such as point of view. 

I have recommendation platform to create comic with easily, it's PIXTON. Pixton is a comic creation site for classrooms where teachers and students can both make and share their comic strips. You can visit the web make account and start to create cartoon. Pixton provides features for teachers and students and of course it's make easy to teachers use this tools. 

You can check my comic here. I hope this article useful for you guys. Thanks.
